QUESTION: For the Senior of the Year and Celebrity,
I am unable to see the "Live Page". How come?
ANSWER: You may be clicking on the link before the unlocked time. The Senior of the Year page will go live on Thursday,
November 19th at 11:00am. Our featured Celebrity guest apperance will go live on Thursday, November 19th at 1:00pm. If the time has passed and you
are still unable to access the page, try refreshing your cache. You may do this by pressing CTRL+F5 (or on a Mac, Command + R), or by going to your browser's history page and
clearing the cache. Every browser is set up slightly different. This link may help:
How to clear your cache on any browser.
**For HDMG Senior Expo Website technical assistance, please email:
Theresa Frodin, Webmaster
**Unfortunately, HDMG is unable to provide 3rd party help for webpages that High Desert Medical Group doesn't own.
We are happy to assist you with the Senior Expo website and your healthcare related questions.
In case of a life-threatening emergency, please call 911. To talk to a nurse, please call our Nurse Advice Line: 800-424-2273.